Data entry work from home or Part time job from - Jobs in India
In this I will inform you about through which you can do part time job for your extra income.It is a trusted website so you don't need to worry about the payment and I will suggest you that kindly do part time jobs only from the freelancing websites only because they are trusted websites.In this website you can do some work like data entry, domain finder and many others which you can do and earn money easily.As it will take time to get the orders but once you will getting orders then you can start your earning just by doing part time job.
I am sharing you some steps that how you can work on and the steps are as following .
Step 1 : First of all visit on and click on sign up so that you can register on the website and during sign up you get two options one is employer and other is freelancer so you have to choose the second one freelancer because you want work.And mention the details which the website requires.
Step 2 : Then you have to mention about your services that what kind of service you are providing like you are giving data entry service then you can mention the same .
Step 3 : You can edit your profile from the dashboard that what how much time you will work and how much you will charge for the work.
Step 4 : You can also mention your skills and expertise as well if you have so that more and more clients will visit your profile and you will get more part time jobs.
Step 5 : Once you will complete your profile than you can go the search box of and enter the name of the service which you are giving like if you are giving data entry service then you can enter the same and you will get a list of jobs and then you can select any one of them and mention the details that how much you will charge and by which time you will submit the project.So you can raise a bid from there and it will take some time to get the orders or projects but once you will get then you can start earning through this part time job.
I hope this information will be useful for all of you and if you like it so kindly subscribe us and share it with your friends as well.
Step 2 : Then you have to mention about your services that what kind of service you are providing like you are giving data entry service then you can mention the same .
Step 3 : You can edit your profile from the dashboard that what how much time you will work and how much you will charge for the work.
Step 4 : You can also mention your skills and expertise as well if you have so that more and more clients will visit your profile and you will get more part time jobs.
Step 5 : Once you will complete your profile than you can go the search box of and enter the name of the service which you are giving like if you are giving data entry service then you can enter the same and you will get a list of jobs and then you can select any one of them and mention the details that how much you will charge and by which time you will submit the project.So you can raise a bid from there and it will take some time to get the orders or projects but once you will get then you can start earning through this part time job.
I hope this information will be useful for all of you and if you like it so kindly subscribe us and share it with your friends as well.
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